Steve earle video pittsburgh
Steve earle video pittsburgh

steve earle video pittsburgh

Taciturn, but not unexpressive-the kind of person who can express a lot even in silence. Physically powerful, soft-spoken due to sadness but possesses a strong undercurrent of life and humor. Married to GOOSE, and they’re deeply committed they’ve been through hell together, but there’s a lot of humor and spark in their relationship. When she’s confronted by the inexplicable, she asks questions and attempts to gather as much information as she can in an effort to make sense of it all. Judy is a matriarch, solid and direct proactive, fearless, with a strong moral compass, a problem solver and a natural leader. Although she feels deeply rooted in the community, she’s also sadly aware that her education and profession have created a separation between her and the world she came from. Although she “grew up in the holler, back in the woods,” she left the community to become a doctor.

steve earle video pittsburgh

A West Virginia federal judge presiding over the case against the energy company in charge of the mine at the time of the explosion. JUDGE/AS CAST/UNDERSTUDY AS CAST: Late 50’s – 60’s. Goose has humor and toughness, as well as moments of deep feeling. A former athlete, he’s physically strong, brave, funny, direct and a hard worker. Finished one year of college, then started working underground when he was 19 years old, because “it’s what you do around here.” Robust, earthy, good-humored, energetic and intelligent. STANLEY “GOOSE”/AS CAST: 50’s – early 60’s. All actors must be comfortable with singing in a group. Actors must be able to connect with both the dramatic weight of the piece as well as the frank, unsentimental sense of humor that these characters possess. Actors need to be able to portray rural working-class characters and have a STRONG facility with dialect, particularly rural Appalachian. NOTE FOR ALL ROLES: In the tradition of documentary theater, we are seeking a company of actors who feel effortlessly a part of the world of the piece.

steve earle video pittsburgh

In this riveting, emotionally stunning new work based on first-person accounts by survivors and family members, Jessica Blank and Erik Jensen, award-winning writers of The Exonerated, and three-time Grammy Award-winning country/folk legend Steve Earle, dig deep into the lives and loss of the most deadly mining disaster in recent U.S. SYNOPSIS: In 2010, the Upper Big Branch mine explosion killed 29 men, and tore a hole in the lives of countless others. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.Įquity actors for roles in COAL COUNTRY (see breakdown).ĬOVID SAFETY: All employees in this position must be fully-vaccinated (as defined by the CDC) and must also have a third booster vaccination (dated prior to two weeks of first date of employment, currently scheduled for February 7, 2022). Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. Viewing submissions: Casting Director, Victor Vazquez, CSAĮquity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. View All Jobs Coal Country - Equity Video Submissions (Deadline: 01.28.22) CATEGORY: Performer

Steve earle video pittsburgh